Jesus for Everyone

This blog is to supplement the current teaching series through the Gospel of Luke at Beaverton Foursquare Church, in Beaverton, Oregon. We are providing weekly self-study/digging deeper questions for those desiring to go beyond the scope of the sermon in your exploration of the complete passage. We are also providing links to the sermon introduction videos filmed for this series on-location in Israel. Our prayer is that we can better learn how to live and love like Jesus this year!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Church Family Picnic Today

We will be gathering at Alpenrose Dairy for a church family picnic today with a worship service at 11:00am featuring guest speaker Andrew Palau. We hope you can join us!

We are looking forward to the fall study in Luke starting next week.

Here is a classic devotional article from bulletins past:

Rest for the Laborer

This first weekend in September, America celebrates Labor Day. It's a long holiday weekend, established to honor working men and women, to reward those who labor long and hard. It's the last summer fling before the kids go back to school and before we dig into the challenges of the Autumn. Yet, for many, an extra day off doesn't provide real relief or rest from the weight and stress of their labors. How can our work be a joy rather than a burden, a blessing rather than a curse, a holy calling rather than a salaried cell? These simple suggestions can help us to stay joyful and productive at whatever task God puts before us.

1.    Make the task set before us a labor of love. It's easy to work when we love what we do, but what if we don't? At that point, we need to love Whom we are doing it for. Decide to make our work an act of love towards the God who first loved us, towards our family, and towards others that God loves...then it will not seem an unbearable weight or an endless hassle (1 Corinthians 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:18-25; Ephesians 2:4-10; 6:5-9; Philippians 2:14-15).

2.      Trust God for acknowledgment and appreciation. We all know how hard it is to maintain our energy and enthusiasm when being chronically unnoticed and under-appreciated. Other people might not notice our labor, but God does. He is aware of everything we do, and our motivation for doing it. Looking only to Christ for affirmation, and the strokes I need, has helped me tremendously. He is the One we serve. Ultimately He gives the lasting reward for our labor (Colossians 3:22-24). If people recognize what we do and express appreciation, then that it just frosting on the cake! Remember that the reward will far outweigh the suffering (Romans 8:18; Hebrews 12:1-2).

3.      See that our labor is purposeful. I recently ran into a college classmate and asked him what he was doing for a living. After a little hesitation, he said that he was in quality control for a commercial air-conditioning manufacturer. I thought, "How did he get into that? Who thinks up jobs like that?" But then I wondered what hot days would be like if nobody did that job. Chances are, we would all be a lot less comfortable in our labors. Remember our labor is purposeful.

·         God has set us right where we are (1 Corinthians 11:8).
·         Every part needs to do its share so that the body can grow (Ephesians 4:16).
·         Wait on the Lord and work in the Strength He provides (Isaiah 40:27-31; Matthew 11:28-30).
·         Help others with their Labors (Galatians 6:2; John 4:36-38; Philippians 2:3-4).
·         God has called us to be His ambassadors to our co-workers (2 Corinthians 5:18-20).

4.    Know where the finish line is. The finish line is not 5:00 p.m., it’s not Friday, it’s not the beginning of our vacation, and it’s not retirement. The finish line is faithfulness to our Lord, day-by-day, wherever He places us, unto the end (2 Timothy 4:5-8; Revelation 2:10-11).

Finding renewed rest in my labors,

Pastor Greg

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